Luckily I was introduced to Flickr a photostream site where photos can be uploaded. After photos are uploaded you can tag them, name them, add a description, add them to a group and many more creative things. There are so many great things that can be done with geotagging.
More example Lessons on Geotagging coming soon!!!!
Geotagging Famous American Lesson-
Grade: 1st
Subject: Social Studies and Language Arts
Materials: Internet, Flickr, Computers/computer lab, Delicious Stacks
This will be a lesson that wraps up a unit. After learning about Famous American, students will research a Famous American of their choice. The teacher will explain that after we learn about Famous Americans we will be working with a few other classes in schools from Maryland, Texas, Florida, and North Carolina. The teacher will inform students on how to use Flickr by showing students how to add tags to pictures, join the group, add a description and of course geotag. Students will
- Teacher will give directions and guidelines for researching Famous Americans
- There will be six famous Americans to choose from. There will be 3 students in each group in my class.
- After students know the FA they will be researching they will get on the Delicious Stacks site on Famous Americans to search for information about their person. Students can find their chosen FA by clicking on the tags on the side of the screen.
- Students will find facts about places that the FA lived, died, fought in war, or a historical even occurred and take notes on it in their research notebook. They will also find pictures as they search for more about the FA. They will save the pictures in the Famous American folder inside of a folder with their name.
- When students are finished with research the teacher will talk about joining the group on Flickr where a group of students from the many different schoosl will be joined with us to learn more about FA.
- Students will join the group on Flickr.
- Students will add pictures. Then they will tag by the name of the FA, add a description, and geotag at least the state that the FA was in at the time. If a city was listed teacher will help to make sure students type it in correctly on the map search.
- When students are finished adding picture, adding name and description, and geotagging they will use their Flickr projects to create a Voicethread for their Famous American person
- After presentations the class will learn from the other class’s tags in their Flickr group